Since we're running as root (unless you already created another user), we are sure to mark the file as being owned by our remote user and set the permissions to “0600” so only our user will have access, instead of other users on the system.

We specify our local copy of “~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub”, the public key in our SSH directory, and upload it to the remote user's directory under the “authorized_keys” file. If a special directory does not exist and you try to upload a file to it, Ansible will not create the needed directories and will instead fail entirely. The first ensures the local, hidden “.ssh” directory exists in the remote user's home. The Ansible tasks to put in your playbook are pretty straightforward. It's VERY imporatnt to understand that you should ONLY give out your public “.pub” key and NEVER your private key, which is the same filename without the “.pub” extension. Once you have your keypair generated, we're ready to add it to the remote machines using Ansible. # Generate a New Key Pair (Accepting the Defaults is fine) # Check if you have a public key (identified by ".pub") If you're generating a new one, you can just select the defaults by pressing enter. Instructions for checking if you have on already and generating a new one if not is located below.

To begin, we need to generate a SSH key pair. We'll use a private/public key pair instead of a password to authenticate and login over SSH.

#Ansible ssh copy id without password manual#
Depending on your password length and complexity, it's usually far less secure to use a manual password. Something that can get annoying is typing your password each time you SSH into remote machines.